Saturday, 12 January 2013

Effective Web Design Tips to Build Better Web Pages

By Yoshi Naruse

Whether a business function out of Los Angles, Chicago or Toronto, web designers and developers strive to balance various creative elements that includes design, usability and content delivery when making an hot website pages for their clients. A exceptional web designer, local or internationally located, will also take into consideration the constant change of the search engine algorithms. As such, developers must keep their finger on the pulse to stay abreast of frequent design features along with algorithm updates and how those updates can change their clients site positioning.

Although Search Engine Optimization is what high amount of businesses are focusing on these days, it is vital to look at on-page elements of websites to make sure that when visitors land on a website, they are well known, engaged and wish to make contact with the site owners. So here are 5 tips that web designers and site owners should be aware of to relief facilitate additional engaging web designs and obtain finer conversions for a quicker ROI.

1) Site Speed: Site speed has been a ranking aid in Googles algorithm for some time now. In fact, web pages that download fast are handed positive support from Google in terms of how a site page is to be arranged in their indices. Website pages that are bloated with extraneous scripting and code take longer to download or render in a browser window than optimized web pages. So, faster pending pages are nice for both the end user and search engine ranking because the quicker a page loads the better the score.

2) Layouts: Standard layouts are not only expected by site visitors, but they are comforting elements we all expect to see. Using advanced scripting or overly creative navigation might leave consumers looking for the Back button on their browsers. For that thought, ensure navigation can be easily found on web pages so the entire site can be navigated easily. And, as a further suggestion, set up a site map somewhere accessible to site visitors so they can see the entire site structure at-a-glance.

3) White Space: Never under-rate the power of white space. An overabundance of imagery, messages or in motion objects on all web page could take-away from the delivery of the message the page was meant to convey. Imagery is vitally important on any web page, but the room between text and imagery will help improve the delivery of the message and facilitate a well user experience.

4) Font: Certain fonts are good used for print and others should be best used for web pages because user monitor resolution settings can vary, making some styles of fonts harder to read. For example a Sans-Serif font can be easier to read on a computer screen and would be a better choice for web pages. Intelligent designers find easy-to-read fonts on website pages for this reason.

5) Content: Last but not least, it is crucial to make a unique and compelling content for any web page. Rambling on about technical terms or infinitely detailed material will not only reduce the effectiveness of the message, but it could also send visitors to look for the browser Back button and then on to the competitions website. Give website visitors short but informative content utilizing a bullet format where ever possible. And never forget to include good Call-to-Action prompts.

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